Darmoose: Your question is a good one that we all face playing better players who use the intentional scratch to their advantage. Cliff Joyner is one of the best using the intentional scratch. I remember playing once where he was giving me 10/7 and I had made three balls and stuck him in the rack. He proceded to take a couple of scratches and I did the same. Now the score was he needs 12 balls and I needed 6. Well he got me in that game and I learned a valuable lesson. Just don't fall for that trap he laid down. So what to do? Think about the most important safeties in one pocket. They are creating distance for your opponents next shot and leaving the cueball ON THE RAIL. Believe me good players like us mere mortals do not like to start their inning frozen on the rail. You just have to live with the results and trust that you are executing properly. Good luck.