Testing your stroke

Dennis "Whitey" Young

Verified Member
Jul 8, 2017
Klamath Falls, Or.
Those are beauties! Your second from last force follow shot @ 7 min. Imagine pulling that shot off playing some poor guy One Pocket! That would kill any further action! LOL!
After your video pulls up then if you scroll down the other videos then another of your videos is there. Unique 3 Cushion Position Shots.

What an advantage knowing 3 cushion play and figuring out position play, it must be in playing One Pocket!

Thanks, I'll post a few close draw shots that are unique. And a basic close follow shot, for I can not get the proper action to do Ceulemans', anymore! Whitey

Dennis "Whitey" Young

Verified Member
Jul 8, 2017
Klamath Falls, Or.
I have working on your shot @ 7 min.--- my previous post. You say its difficult, I believe that, and you hit it full. It appears the ob is on the 1st. diamond and cb is near the 2nd. diamond. Are both balls frozen to the rail????, Or What?

It appears your rear hand is elevated about 5 or 6 inches and aligned with the outside edge of the table, and your stroking to hit the ob 3/4 or so high keeping the same angle down and through on the ob , with inside English, with also a slight back cut on the ob, and the cue tip ends up down and close to the bed. Do I have this pretty close????

The cue ball jumps up in the air, I'd say a good ball high and it even looks like the ob ball goes directly underneath the cb. Very impressive!

Does the cb getting airborne, (releasing from the friction of the cloth) add spin to the cb????

On a pool table I have to make the ball or it jumps off the table with that much force. The best I have done is to hit the side rail at half a diamond and it reverses straight out from the side rail. I set it up with the ob about 1/2" off the side rail, the cb jumps up but goes more forward while in the air, whereas yours is going more straight up.

Does the cushions make any difference on this shot, or are they irrelevant??

A fabulous shot! thanks, Whitey
Trying to learn from the master!


Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
I have working on your shot @ 7 min.--- my previous post. You say its difficult, I believe that, and you hit it full. It appears the ob is on the 1st. diamond and cb is near the 2nd. diamond. Are both balls frozen to the rail????, Or What?

It appears your rear hand is elevated about 5 or 6 inches and aligned with the outside edge of the table, and your stroking to hit the ob 3/4 or so high keeping the same angle down and through on the ob , with inside English, with also a slight back cut on the ob, and the cue tip ends up down and close to the bed. Do I have this pretty close????

The cue ball jumps up in the air, I'd say a good ball high and it even looks like the ob ball goes directly underneath the cb. Very impressive!

Does the cb getting airborne, (releasing from the friction of the cloth) add spin to the cb????

On a pool table I have to make the ball or it jumps off the table with that much force. The best I have done is to hit the side rail at half a diamond and it reverses straight out from the side rail. I set it up with the ob about 1/2" off the side rail, the cb jumps up but goes more forward while in the air, whereas yours is going more straight up.

Does the cushions make any difference on this shot, or are they irrelevant??

A fabulous shot! thanks, Whitey
Trying to learn from the master!

Whitey; both the CB and OB are frozen to the long cushion.

I'm contacting the OB 7/8 full, The cue has to be elevated to make the CB jump, the ONLY way the shot can be made with the CB being 1 full diamond from the OB! I have made this shot before with the CB and OB 1.5 diamonds apart! VERY, VERY difficult! You need to apply, 'rapid/short' stroke, but, with 'follow-thru' and EXTREME 10 O'clock English!

Many artistic players play this shot with the CB & OB 1/4" apart, it makes the shot much easier! When played this way the CB doesn't need to hop, because of the 2 balls being close together.

Dennis "Whitey" Young

Verified Member
Jul 8, 2017
Klamath Falls, Or.

Whitey; both the CB and OB are frozen to the long cushion.

I'm contacting the OB 7/8 full, The cue has to be elevated to make the CB jump, the ONLY way the shot can be made with the CB being 1 full diamond from the OB! I have made this shot before with the CB and OB 1.5 diamonds apart! VERY, VERY difficult! You need to apply, 'rapid/short' stroke, but, with 'follow-thru' and EXTREME 10 O'clock English!

Many artistic players play this shot with the CB & OB 1/4" apart, it makes the shot much easier! When played this way the CB doesn't need to hop, because of the 2 balls being close together.

To get the cb to dig back in and circle back with that much distance from the rail, is real impressive! The cb hop makes perfect sense!
I'll have to set up the balls off the rail so I can pocket the ob, but keep everything else the same to hit it 7/8 full. My stroke speed is down a little bit so need to work on that! The physics of pool and how balls react, and how the balls react in correlation with the rails is just fascinating and fun to work on. thanks, Whitey


Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
To get the cb to dig back in and circle back with that much distance from the rail, is real impressive! The cb hop makes perfect sense!
I'll have to set up the balls off the rail so I can pocket the ob, but keep everything else the same to hit it 7/8 full. My stroke speed is down a little bit so need to work on that! The physics of pool and how balls react, and how the balls react in correlation with the rails is just fascinating and fun to work on. thanks, Whitey

Whitey, I see you are about 80 miles from Medford, OR. The Elks club there has about 6-8 3C tables,they might let you visit for a day so you can try these shots on a REAL 3C table.


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
Placerville, CA
Whitey, I see you are about 80 miles from Medford, OR. The Elks club there has about 6-8 3C tables,they might let you visit for a day so you can try these shots on a REAL 3C table.

Two of our Hard Times guys are going up to the Elks in Medford for a three cushion tournament. One of them, Mark Hansen, has won up there a time or two and has been teaching some of the locals. I call the other guy ‘Backward Bill’ because he is learning fast but shoots a lot of shots backwards but hits the ball so well he makes them. I try to play a little but it’s hard to get any table time in with only one table.

Nice to see the game gaining popularity locally.

Dennis "Whitey" Young

Verified Member
Jul 8, 2017
Klamath Falls, Or.
John & Bill,
When I first heard of the Elks and their numerous billiard tables, it was hard to imagine of such a place in Medford, or. But in talking to some players, Medford use to be quite a hot bed for players, and a sure stopping place for hustlers. So I can imagine it now. The Elks have held some prestigious events over the years.
No pool players there now! The Rack-Em pool hall is nice.

I went on line and it has been reported that the Elks has been sold as of June, and is under renovation, and what is going to be in there I do not know! Whitey

One Pocket John

Verified Member
Jan 14, 2010

So above I mention a, 'Secret' I intentionally left out of the explanation.

I also did this, I think subconsciously in the my book in the, 'Fundamentals' chapter. I think it's because I learned the game in an era, where everyone guarded those little gems that they just couldn't give up! I guess I felt the same way, let them think figure it out!

And, I'm a little surprised no one here even touched on it. Here it is, 'Grip Pressure' at the point of contact on the CB!

For myself, the, 'Pre-shot routine' (warm-up strokes before the stance) is where most of the magic happens for me. For those that believe there are, 'different strokes' in the cue games, this is where many 3C players determine what stroke to apply for that particular shot that faces them.

I try to imitate in these warm-up strokes, the, timing, tempo, speed of the cue tip and distance to travel, and the grip pressure I feel I need at the impact of the CB to impart the correct effect on the CB!

All that, plus trying to control the 2nd ball for position, normally within 5-10 seconds before setting down for the shot!

Many thanks for this post Mr. 3C

I think Pro Golfers use the same technique. Tom Watson comes to mind.

The way I try to get the feel for the correct grip pressure to use is I try to feel that I am pushing (its a feel thing) the CB off of the OB to send the QB where I want it to go.

I just wish I could ply like this guy. :)

Once again thanks

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Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
Many thanks for this post Mr. 3C

I think Pro Golfers use the same technique. Tom Watson comes to mind.

The way I try to get the feel for the correct grip pressure to use is I try to feel that I am pushing (its a feel thing) the CB off of the OB to send the QB where I want it to go.

I just wish I could ply like this guy. :)

Once again thanks


John, funny you mention Tom Watson, I never took a lesson in golf, I was 2 handicap for years. But, I patterned my swing after his and Nick Price, 'short and compact!' I didn't hit it long, about 250-260, but, I ALWAYS knew where my ball was, on the short grass.

The, 'Modern day' 3 cushion stroke is the same, IMHO! The game is ALL about accuracy, position play with perfect speed with new equipment.


Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
I could watch Pedro play all day. Pure beauty.


Grip pressure at it's very best.


Personally for me, it's hard for me to watch him play if there is NO, 'shot-clock!' If one isn't used he takes anywhere's from 1-2 minutes a shot, and in crunch time even longer! If I'm playing a, 'slow player,' I just tune them out and go about my business! But, to sit and watch, tough for me.

There's no doubt Pedro's an excellent player! But, in the, 'BIG leagues,' with the shot-clock he hasn't fared that well.