Short cross banks...

Tramp Steamer

Verified Member
Dec 16, 2009
I have been having difficulty with the short cross banks that are close to the foot rail. The nearer the rail, the more trouble I have getting the cue ball out of the way. Any tips, or suggestions would be appreciated.

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
It's kind of hard to explain but I'll try. Your going to half to hit the ball thinner than you think.Try It with a little inside english,not alot just a little from center of cueball.about a tip or so. You might have to hit It harder than you have been also.Which might not be a good thing If your playing 1 hole.

One other thing you can do Is raise your bridge hand up. Something about cueing down Into the cueball hepls hold those little shots better. Sorry If
you think that's not alot of info,but man banks are so hard to explain In Good luck and hope that helps.If It doesn't come back and wi'll
try again. John B.


Verified Member
Dec 10, 2008
New Braunfels tx.
Hitting down on the CB doesn't mean drawing it. Try keeping your grip hand very loose to help move the CB a little more.
On most tables hitting down with center ball works for me. :) I usually start with a half ball hit, which looks wrong, but hitting down turns the OB for me.;)
PS, Each table is different but you must start somewhere.

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
androd said:
Hitting down on the CB doesn't mean drawing it. Try keeping your grip hand very loose to help move the CB a little more.
On most tables hitting down with center ball works for me. :)

Very good Info Rod!! Thanks for helping me help him.John B.


Verified Member
Dec 10, 2008
New Braunfels tx.
John Brumback said:
Very good Info Rod!! Thanks for helping me help him.John B.

I was still editing while you were posting. You're correct it's hard to put in writing.:) I will post a Wii shot to make sure we're on the same shot as T Steamer.


Verified Member
Dec 10, 2008
New Braunfels tx.
Tramp Steamer said:
I have been having difficulty with the short cross banks that are close to the foot rail. The nearer the rail, the more trouble I have getting the cue ball out of the way. Any tips, or suggestions would be appreciated.

Hope this is he shot you're talking about.


John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
androd said:
I was still editing while you were posting. You're correct it's hard to put in writing.:) I will post a Wii shot to make sure we're on the same shot as T Steamer.

Ok,Yeah after reading his ? I'm not even sure If he's talking about holding It or maybe a cross over type shot. Guess I should read closer or
Yeah put us a good one up. Here's a good ? for ya....Why does cueing down into the cueball help???? I know It does help but I'm not 100% sure why.
Don't want to hijack Tramp's thread though. JB

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
androd said:
Hope this is he shot you're talking about.


Well If it Is....I told him to use the wrong english. On this shot you need alittle
center right. Center right not low right. And It does help to cue down on these kind of shots to make them take the english better. One mistake I see alot of players making on this type of shot Is getting to far away from the center of the cueball. It's kinda like less Is could say. Lets here your way of making this shot. You seem to know alot about banks!!


Verified Member
Dec 10, 2008
New Braunfels tx.
John Brumback said:
Ok,Yeah after reading his ? I'm not even sure If he's talking about holding It or maybe a cross over type shot. Guess I should read closer or
Yeah put us a good one up. Here's a good ? for ya....Why does cueing down into the cueball help???? I know It does help but I'm not 100% sure why.
Don't want to hijack Tramp's thread though. JB

When I'm hitting down across the OB without English on the CB, it seems to add English to the OB. If I add much English at all to the CB it doesn't happen.

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
John Brumback said:
Well If it Is....I told him to use the wrong english. On this shot you need alittle
center right. Center right not low right. And It does help to cue down on these kind of shots to make them take the english better. One mistake I see alot of players making on this type of shot Is getting to far away from the center of the cueball. It's kinda like less Is could say. Lets here your way of making this shot. You seem to know alot about banks!!

What you are sayingb center right wii make the object ball breack better were low right will not make the object ball breack better.

So center right will make the oblect ball take the english better and hold it.

I cant bank but I think my thinking is correct if not then I will learn something.

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
androd said:
When I'm hitting down across the OB without English on the CB, it seems to add English to the OB. If I add much English at all to the CB it doesn't happen.

Yes your exactly right again.I guess It's some kind of collision Induced throw.
You can get the cueball to grab the object ball better,uh. Seems that when you put english on It..It just slips off the object ball and doesn't do anything.
John B.

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
Artie Bodendorfer said:
What you are sayingb center right wii make the object ball breack better were low right will not make the object ball breack better.

So center right will make the oblect ball take the english better and hold it.

I cant bank but I think my thinking is correct if not then I will learn something.

Yes Artie,cueing low will only hurt, on this type of shot. For some reason when you cue low on this shot..the object ball won't take the english.
Center ball will throw It plenty.Hope that helps.John B.

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
John Brumback said:
Yes Artie,cueing low will only hurt, on this type of shot. For some reason when you cue low on this shot..the object ball won't take the english.
Center ball will throw It plenty.Hope that helps.John B.

What that showes me is that you no what you are talking about.

And I think they should but you in with the two greatest banbers in life. Taylor Bugs and You John.

And I think you have earned it and deservie it. And I wish that you could get paid for what you and youre game is realt worth.

but the people who need too pay are the TV people. And the players should be getting the money. Not the promoters.

You think the promoters will like me more now that I said what should be done. I dont care. What they think.

Because the answer is with out the players THe promoters would be working at mick donnalds.

They what you to sugn papers so you cant get a nickle thats very nice off them too do. Thats because they are looking out for you. But youre the show and without you thier would be nothing.

Im just saying this maybe it will help were players will get some YV money or whatever they use youre game too male money on.

I never hold back. I say it howe I see it weather nobody likes it or not. But it has too be said and brought out in the open. Everyone is intiyled to eat and live a good life.

And that can only happen when things are brought out in the open.

But I think they should but you in the class with taylor and Bugs. And I no that would be a great honor for you. And you have the wright personality.

Just like taylor and bugs. And between the 3 off you guys playing together the 3 off you bankers can bank 50 no count. THats howe much talent thier would be.

Stay healthy and keep on banking. I said keep banking not going too the BANK. WAyching balls bank is very exciting too watch. And you see all the different thungs people can do with banks.

Enjoy the game that youre a champion at. AB


Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
maybe when you hit low the cue ball wont get out of the way so quick and you compensate by hitting it a touch harder so that the spin doesnt take as much.

i think he might have been asking about cross corner where the object ball is on the long rail. and it is right that you hit thinner than you think as you push the object ball down the rail hitting it from that angle. and add english towards the short rail.

for me personally i like to use outside english and hit them as hard as i am allowed to by the shot.

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
beatle said:
maybe when you hit low the cue ball wont get out of the way so quick and you compensate by hitting it a touch harder so that the spin doesnt take as much.

i think he might have been asking about cross corner where the object ball is on the long rail. and it is right that you hit thinner than you think as you push the object ball down the rail hitting it from that angle. and add english towards the short rail.

for me personally i like to use outside english and hit them as hard as i am allowed to by the shot.

The best bankers use inside not outside. Outside makes the pockets play smaller while inside make the pockets play bigger,If that makes since.

The shot that Rod put up won't go very easy or at all with low english. John B.

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
Artie Bodendorfer said:
What that showes me is that you no what you are talking about.

And I think they should but you in with the two greatest banbers in life. Taylor Bugs and You John.

And I think you have earned it and deservie it. And I wish that you could get paid for what you and youre game is realt worth.

but the people who need too pay are the TV people. And the players should be getting the money. Not the promoters.

You think the promoters will like me more now that I said what should be done. I dont care. What they think.

Because the answer is with out the players THe promoters would be working at mick donnalds.

They what you to sugn papers so you cant get a nickle thats very nice off them too do. Thats because they are looking out for you. But youre the show and without you thier would be nothing.

Im just saying this maybe it will help were players will get some YV money or whatever they use youre game too male money on.

I never hold back. I say it howe I see it weather nobody likes it or not. But it has too be said and brought out in the open. Everyone is intiyled to eat and live a good life.

And that can only happen when things are brought out in the open.

But I think they should but you in the class with taylor and Bugs. And I no that would be a great honor for you. And you have the wright personality.

Just like taylor and bugs. And between the 3 off you guys playing together the 3 off you bankers can bank 50 no count. THats howe much talent thier would be.

Stay healthy and keep on banking. I said keep banking not going too the BANK. WAyching balls bank is very exciting too watch. And you see all the different thungs people can do with banks.

Enjoy the game that youre a champion at. AB

Thanks alot Artie!! I'm very proud and honored to here that coming from someone as yourself.Thank you again sir. JB


Verified Member
May 29, 2010
This is a very easy shot. You can make it when the object ball is within 1/4" of the end rail. It is always easier from one side or the other. Depends on whether you are left or right handed.

I have seen hundreds of good bankers play this shot with center right.

The truth is (as I learned from Taylor) is that this is a center ball shot.
Just stun the cue ball and let it scrape across the object ball to twist it back.
Speed is key. I practice this kind of shot a lot. It wins games.

The only time you will need to use center with English is if it is an end rail bank and the object is frozen. Still goes but the margin for error because of the side is much greater. Not a shot to bet the game on. Not frozen and it is about 70/30 to make if you practice it a lot.

Bill Stroud

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
bstroud said:
This is a very easy shot. You can make it when the object ball is within 1/4" of the end rail. It is always easier from one side or the other. Depends on whether you are left or right handed.

I have seen hundreds of good bankers play this shot with center right.

The truth is (as I learned from Taylor) is that this is a center ball shot.
Just stun the cue ball and let it scrape across the object ball to twist it back.
Speed is key. I practice this kind of shot a lot. It wins games.

The only time you will need to use center with English is if it is an end rail bank and the object is frozen. Still goes but the margin for error because of the side is much greater. Not a shot to bet the game on. Not frozen and it is about 70/30 to make if you practice it a lot.

Bill Stroud

Yes you are correct. Don't you agree though that there's not much you can do with the cueball as far as hiding It goes? Seems the bank won't go very easy If your trying to run the cueball somewhere. I like the phrase.."scrape across It" never heard It put like that. You played alot with Eddie Taylor???
If you did can you tell me what speed he hit most of his basic bank shots with? Hard,soft,medium? I never got to see him hit a ball. Bummer for me.
Thank you for your time. John B.


Verified Member
Mar 19, 2007
vero beach fl
John Brumback said:
Yes you are correct. Don't you agree though that there's not much you can do with the cueball as far as hiding It goes? Seems the bank won't go very easy If your trying to run the cueball somewhere. I like the phrase.."scrape across It" never heard It put like that. You played alot with Eddie Taylor???
If you did can you tell me what speed he hit most of his basic bank shots with? Hard,soft,medium? I never got to see him hit a ball. Bummer for me.
Thank you for your time. John B.
doesnt "scrape acoss it "convey whats happening more than "collision induced throw??"
thats a great way to say it