The Desire to win

Billy Jackets

Verified Member
Sep 3, 2011
The desire to win.
How much value would you put on it?
The subject of 2 players came up the other day.
Neither one is above a B player but the young guy has plenty of potential.
The older guy knows more , the younger guy shoots a little straighter.
Older guy should win 3 or 4 games out of 5 , instead he loses 3 out of 5 consistently and keeps saying he needs a spot.
I have watched quite a few games and they usually follow a set pattern.
Older guy gets ahead in ball count and starts kibitzing with the crowd , {part of his shark tactics also} the young guy pays no attention {or seems not to}, and ends up coming back and winning.
It isn't about the money, because they are only playing for 5 dollars and neither one will lose more than 20 in a day.
My belief is that the younger guy is willing to bear down harder, and for longer than the older guy simply because he has a stronger desire to win.
I have noticed since I got older , that drive has weakened in me a bit.
I have to have some real motivation to bear down, and really try to win at almost anything, any more.
I do not think it is just an age thing though, I have had several guys in my lifetime and every time we played it was like being in a war. Even nowadays.


Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
The desire to WIN, is stronger than lye soap!

The only thing that comes in a close second is, hating to lose!
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Verified Member
Nov 18, 2010
Bertram, Texas
If you find a cure, pm the recipe to me. When I was younger I wouldn't let my grandmother win a game. Now Not so much. Still hate losing, but after the fact it seems.

El Chapo

Verified Member
Oct 28, 2016
I have noticed about a desire to win is the opponent will see a guy who is studying the table and giving it his absolute best shot even when there is no hope. Never giving up, things like this. And it tend to break the other guy down.

There is a compounding effect, or can be. Concentrating, giving it your all, and the other guy is losing his will to win. I always saw nick varner very good at this aspect of the game and his record proved how much success it could have brought him.


Verified Member
Jan 7, 2016
Chandler Texas
most champions in interviews that i can remember said something like this
"i hate losing more than i like winning"

I am not a champion, but I do hate losing more than my desire to win. I am happy winning 3 of 5 games, and never had the desire to get my opponents last dollar. Along with lack of talent, it is one reason I never tried to make a living at this game.


Verified Member
Nov 1, 2016
boulder creek ca
one thing that really helped me was giving spots that seemed impossible and winning any way. not sure if it was desire to win or hating losing or just plain stubborn stupidity not losing a game i was supposed to