Derby Daze … # 6


Verified Member
Jun 6, 2010
Dear Gentle Readers,

My (personal, yea Efren!) Wednesday headline: My Sweet Patootie Wins Three Straight Against SVB!

Subhead: It wasn’t quite three 8-and-outs for Efren, but close.

Revisit: Okay, I get that Accu-Stats makes money from DVDs of the individual Big Foot matches. But couldn’t they record all of those very same matches without taking so much calendar and clock time away from the Derby matches?

Quick query: how many syllables in Orcollo? Or Orcullo, I’ve seen it spelled both ways. One commentator puts in four syllabes as if it were spelled Orcollio.

How much does a buy-back cost?

Yesterday, for the first time, there was some inattentive camera work - - showing half a table when action was taking place on the other half. Being late on switching from a closeup of the breaker to just missing the break itself.

Some wit and wisdom from Wednesday:

On Alex … “When he’s moving fast, he’s going to shoot. No. When he’s moving fast and making a face, he’s not going to shoot.”

“Here’s a blood pressure tester.”

As the cue ball kept rolling - - slowly, slowly - - rolling into the pocket … “There must be a breeze out there.”

“When you’re confident about a shot, you’ll hit it better.”

Regarding the 452 banks entrants, the most in the Indiana venue, “Pool is alive.”

When Bustamante owed 8 balls against Pinegar … “I think even Busty’s family is rooting for Jonathan to get out.”

Shuff v. Skylar … as young as Brandon is, and looks, he seemed (appearance-wise) like a schoolyard bully beating up on a middle school kid. Do Skylar’s parents (who deserve style points for his name) know he’s staying up this late? It was a cordial, self-refereed match.

Have you clocked this … younger players drink soda, older guys prefer water? Coffee is also popular.

Skylar, cute as he is, is way too young for me. Jeffrey, on the other hand …

What! They’re about the same age?

Never mind.

Ambiguity is my life,


P. S. This Derby year I’ve made a conscious effort to relax and enjoy the stream. Despite occasional freezes. Despite not seeing the players I most want to see. Despite when those favored players lose.

Hmm … is this what they call maturity? May have to test-drive it. Although I don't have a license.


Verified Member
May 24, 2004
baton rouge, la
Good on you, Sunny, for the time and effort you are granting us. Good stuff. We must assume the tamale stands do okay without you. :D