Artie's Posts

One Pocket Ghost

Verified Member
May 25, 2004
Since Dennis pulled up one of Artie's old posts...and since we've all missed his unique, one of a kind postings, and since some of the newer members have never had the pleasure ;) of reading Artie's posts...

Now in Artie's later time on here, he got way too mellow for my taste...he was typing and spelling better, reflecting on life, saying nice things about people and wishing everybody good tidings..:rolleyes:...nah, I prefer the hardcore, in your face, unique spelling Artie, from his earlier days on here...:heh...that's more like the Artie that I remember from the 60's-70's...

Well it just so happens that over the years I saved a few of my favorites of Artie's earlier literary works..:) I thought I'd share a couple...this first one is a gem - it's from about 4-5 years ago, before Artie ever played John H. - and it mostly consists of Artie woofing at SJD :D to get up and play him, and there's also a mention of ya go >>>

Artie Bodendorfer said:
I have figured out that dick wony play if jesuses christ was backing him.You keep talking and sig nivieing aND YOU WONT PLay why dont you stand up and gamble like a man. The hell with everybody lets pay And you back up jrhandy too. Iwant to play are you imposters going to play or what.We know you can post are you a has ben are you going to play I am getting brain damage from all this and you not playng ' It sounds to me you are afraid tp play. I no a coward dog wen I see oneIf I plaY jOHN 6 GAMES AHEASD i WII PLAY HIM i AM NOT WAITING FOR SOME ONE TO PLAY WHO IS SCARED TO DEATH TO PLAY.You are a talker not a player stay in hiding no playing dick.We will play know hand 6 games ahead do you want to play. Or what.We will play know not 6 years from know. Dick is nothing he wont play.I hope you will plaY FOR 10 thousand dolllaers6 games ahead. Dick is nothing and he will not play. Succers make excussses put players play. And you are a joke. And I wNTR TO PLAY cAN YOU HER ME. With your no playing pLAY OR SHUT YOURE TOILET. i AM TIERED OF all this talk lets play.I have never seen so many mf dogs in my whole life I want action not talk.And I am tiered ove peoples plroblems. And all this ass kisssen shit.. You no playing suckers. Play or go kill yourself. With your no playing ass.You wont play but you wont shut your toilet. I will play know you scared dogs. Nothing but no playing scared fools.Your nothing so are you goingf to play or not. Dick the poster who wont play.Lets play then you cen PAY.

Was that post a thing of beauty, or what?

- Ghost

PS, Sorry "no playing dick" but you had to 'take one for the team' in my bringing this post back up for our viewing pleasure, lol.
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Cowboy Dennis

Verified Member
Dec 16, 2008
Since Dennis pulled up one of Artie's old posts...and since we've all missed his unique, one of a kind postings, and since some of the newer members have never had the pleasure ;) of reading Artie's posts...

Now in Artie's later time on here, he got way too mellow for my taste...he was typing and spelling better, reflecting on life, saying nice things about people and wishing everybody good tidings..:rolleyes:...nah, I prefer the hardcore, in your face, unique spelling Artie, from his earlier days on here...:heh...that's more like the Artie that I remember from the 60's-70's...

Well it just so happens that over the years I saved a few of my favorites of Artie's earlier literary works..:) I thought I'd share a couple...this first one is a gem - it's from about 4-5 years ago, before Artie ever played John H. - and it mostly consists of Artie woofing at SJD :D to get up and play him, and/or ya go >>>

Artie Bodendorfer said:
I have figured out that dick wony play if jesuses christ was backing him.You keep talking and sig nivieing aND YOU WONT PLay why dont you stand up and gamble like a man. The hell with everybody lets pay And you back up jrhandy too. Iwant to play are you imposters going to play or what.We know you can post are you a has ben are you going to play I am getting brain damage from all this and you not playng ' It sounds to me you are afraid tp play. I no a coward dog wen I see oneIf I plaY jOHN 6 GAMES AHEASD i WII PLAY HIM i AM NOT WAITING FOR SOME ONE TO PLAY WHO IS SCARED TO DEATH TO PLAY.You are a talker not a player stay in hiding no playing dick.We will play know hand 6 games ahead do you want to play. Or what.We will play know not 6 years from know. Dick is nothing he wont play.I hope you will plaY FOR 10 thousand dolllaers6 games ahead. Dick is nothing and he will not play. Succers make excussses put players play. And you are a joke. And I wNTR TO PLAY cAN YOU HER ME. With your no playing pLAY OR SHUT YOURE TOILET. i AM TIERED OF all this talk lets play.I have never seen so many mf dogs in my whole life I want action not talk.And I am tiered ove peoples plroblems. And all this ass kisssen shit.. You no playing suckers. Play or go kill yourself. With your no playing ass.You wont play but you wont shut your toilet. I will play know you scared dogs. Nothing but no playing scared fools.Your nothing so are you goingf to play or not. Dick the poster who wont play.Lets play then you cen PAY.

Was that post a thing of beauty, or what?

- Ghost

PS, Sorry "no playing dick" but you had to 'take one for the team' in my bringing this post back up for our viewing pleasure, lol.


It's a beauty all right but I think his finest was the night he got drunk and posted to SJD about being scared to play. Not everybody here knew what SJD was going through at home but it didn't matter to AB.

I also remember trying to make a game with him and after being jerked around, like a fish on a line for a week or two I finally told him we could do it some other time if he couldn't come here in the winter (doctor's orders) and he couldn't wait till the next year (he wanted to play immediately) when I had new vacation time. After I said we could do it some other time he came with the "we'll do whatever you want" line. After I refused, then I was just a nit who never wanted to play anyway. These guys never change their tune until they find out they can't play anymore.

Now it's different. He beat JH in Galveston, lost to him at DCC (correct me if I'm wrong) and all of a sudden he's "too smart" to play a 3rd "rubber match". Yeah, all the nits were always "too smart" to play guys who actually wanted to gamble. There's a legacy for you.

P.S. I like you Artie but you just do not gamble. The past is the past and this is now, I don't care what you did 30 years ago and your interactions here with me have shown me what you did 30 years ago anyway. You enjoyed robbing people and bragging about it, I enjoyed playing good players in tough, close games and betting something, usually less than I wanted.

Any player in a HOF for one-pocket should have been jumping at the chance to play JH a 3rd time instead of saying that you were so smart you knew you couldn't win. So what? Play him and lose, what's the big deal? At least you'd look like a poolplayer.



Verified Member
Oct 1, 2011
Since Dennis pulled up one of Artie's old posts...and since we've all missed his unique, one of a kind postings, and since some of the newer members have never had the pleasure ;) of reading Artie's posts...

Now in Artie's later time on here, he got way too mellow for my taste...he was typing and spelling better, reflecting on life, saying nice things about people and wishing everybody good tidings..:rolleyes:...nah, I prefer the hardcore, in your face, unique spelling Artie, from his earlier days on here...:heh...that's more like the Artie that I remember from the 60's-70's...

Well it just so happens that over the years I saved a few of my favorites of Artie's earlier literary works..:) I thought I'd share a couple...this first one is a gem - it's from about 4-5 years ago, before Artie ever played John H. - and it mostly consists of Artie woofing at SJD :D to get up and play him, and/or ya go >>>

Was that post a thing of beauty, or what?

- Ghost

PS, Sorry "no playing dick" but you had to 'take one for the team' in my bringing this post back up for our viewing pleasure, lol.

Absolutely, 100% all kidding aside... that is the most hilarious thing I ever read. There is something about the punctuation that is so beautiful..... like it is really degrading somehow. It is usually the opposite, the bad punctuation makes the writer look bad. Those capitalizations were priceless. I love how "with your no playing ass" was a complete sentence. The shut your toilet is just absolute art!!

There is something there, almost unseen, that actually makes sense.... kinda like seeing a beautiful film, you are confused, but somewhere back in your brain you know the true plot... you can feel it.

This is another fav.... "aND YOU WONT PLay." Thank you for posting this, no kidding. Absolutely beautiful.


Verified Member
Dec 10, 2008
New Braunfels tx.
Absolutely, 100% all kidding aside... that is the most hilarious thing I ever read. There is something about the punctuation that is so beautiful..... like it is really degrading somehow. It is usually the opposite, the bad punctuation makes the writer look bad. Those capitalizations were priceless. I love how "with your no playing ass" was a complete sentence. The shut your toilet is just absolute art!!

There is something there, almost unseen, that actually makes sense.... kinda like seeing a beautiful film, you are confused, but somewhere back in your brain you know the true plot... you can feel it.

This is another fav.... "aND YOU WONT PLay." Thank you for posting this, no kidding. Absolutely beautiful.

Wait til he unloads one on you. It isn't so entertaining.:D:p:heh


Verified Member
Oct 6, 2004

I likes them better before he improved his grammar and spelling!



Dec 7, 2007
Wait til he unloads one on you. It isn't so entertaining.:D

Very true Rod,.. Me and Dennis and Artie's interaction, were entertaining for sure...But I have to say this...It took some pretty extreme events, to keep me from playing Artie and the Ghost those times, at DCC...Anyone that don't think I would have played, is sadly mistaken...I think YOU, of all people, know me better than that...:cool:

PS..And, I was actually praying Freddy and Mr.Butt-in (Pincushion) would have bet on Artie, or the Ghost...All the slamming and conjecture that followed, (when I was a no-show)..was VERY tough to take...I KNOW I would have rectified it, (or died trying)...based on watching, and being involved $$$ wise, in his two sessions with John, I felt real good goin' in........But, it was not to be..:sorry

PPS...For the "ever doubting and quick to critisize" Chicago element, (aka 'Slob Mob')..John, Dennis, lll, and CaliRed can verify my situation...(I wouldn't give y'all the satisfaction, at the time)

Disgruntled Duck <---Is still pissed off !!!.:(..(could be the reason for his extreme animosity, of late..Arrgh !)

One Pocket Ghost said:
PS, Sorry "no playing dick" but you had to 'take one for the team' in my bringing this post back up for our viewing pleasure, lol.

tylerdurden said:
Absolutely, 100% all kidding aside... that is the most hilarious thing I ever read. There is something about the punctuation that is so beautiful..... like it is really degrading somehow. It is usually the opposite, the bad punctuation makes the writer look bad. Those capitalizations were priceless. I love how "with your no playing ass" was a complete sentence. The shut your toilet is just absolute art!!

Two more uninformed posts, that were hard to swallow...But, thats OK guy's..The thin-skinned Duck, will exact his revenge..:cool:
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Fast Lenny

Verified Member
May 15, 2005
Arizona & OCNY
Anyone who thinks Dick wont step up and play is out of their mind. He has more gamble then 99.9% of the people in the pool world and at times takes the worst of it. They do not make them like SJD anymore that one thing is for sure, when he is in the poolroom he is in action, not sitting in the corner waiting for the sure thing. :cool:

One Pocket Ghost

Verified Member
May 25, 2004
Absolutely, 100% all kidding aside... that is the most hilarious thing I ever read. There is something about the punctuation that is so beautiful.....It is usually the opposite, the bad punctuation makes the writer look bad. Those capitalizations were priceless. I love how "with your no playing ass" was a complete sentence. The shut your toilet is just absolute art!!

There is something there, almost unseen, that actually makes sense.... kinda like seeing a beautiful film, you are confused, but somewhere back in your brain you know the true plot... you can feel it.

This is another fav.... "aND YOU WONT PLay." Thank you for posting this, no kidding. Absolutely beautiful.

Tyler....dat's what I'm talking're seeing it just like I do - yeah, a lot of Artie's posts were funny as hell...but also, and like you said, I'm not kidding either >>>

Artie's posts are also like some kind of strange compared Artie's 'unintentionally unique writing style' to a comparison would be to painting >>> the painting parallel to Artie's 'prose' would be a wild abstract painting - as opposed to being like a perfect, beautiful painting of a landscape - both are appealing in their own, very different, way...:heh

- Ghost

PS, And I see that Deeman appreciates them also...:)
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Cowboy Dennis

Verified Member
Dec 16, 2008
Two more uninformed posts, that were hard to swallow...But, thats OK guy's..The thin-skinned Duck, will exact his revenge..:cool:

tylerdurden said:
Absolutely, 100% all kidding aside... that is the most hilarious thing I ever read. There is something about the punctuation that is so beautiful..... like it is really degrading somehow. It is usually the opposite, the bad punctuation makes the writer look bad. Those capitalizations were priceless. I love how "with your no playing ass" was a complete sentence. The shut your toilet is just absolute art!!

Ducky, Ducky, Ducky. you know for a fact that TD does not have any idea what we are talking about. Be fair here. He thought AB's post was hiliarious and it was, he doesn't know the history.


Cowboy Dennis

Verified Member
Dec 16, 2008
PPS...For the "ever doubting and quick to critisize" Chicago element, (aka 'Slob Mob')..John, Dennis, lll, and CaliRed can verify my situation...(I wouldn't give y'all the satisfaction, at the time)

Now that you mention it I remember sending you $4200 to put up when you played AB. Now that it looks like you are both retired could you please send it back?



Dec 7, 2007
Tyler....dat's what I'm talking're seeing it just like I do - yeah, a lot of Artie's posts were funny as hell...but also, and like you said, I'm not kidding either >>>

Artie's posts are also like some kind of strange compared Artie's 'unintentionally unique writing style' to a comparison would be to painting >>> the painting parallel to Artie's 'prose' would be a wild abstract painting - as opposed to being like a perfect, beautiful painting of a landscape - both are appealing in their own, very different, way...:heh

- Ghost

PS, And I see that Deeman appreciates them also...:)

I always thought you and Tyler were kindred spirit's..and as RBL sez.....TOTALLY out of touch with reality !

Sure Gh:eek:astess, pick the softest spot !.....Why didn't you respond to my post ?...NO WAVO'S ?

View attachment 5583

PS...I know, I know, Dennis, if the Ghoastess is going to keep siding with AZB rejects, I shall have to put him on IGNORE..There is just
NO challenge anymore..:cool:
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One Pocket Ghost

Verified Member
May 25, 2004
I always thought you and Tyler were kindred spirit's..and as RBL sez.....TOTALLY out of touch with reality !

Sure Ghoast, pick the softest spot !.....Why didn't you respond to my post ?...NO WAVO'S ?

View attachment 5583

PS...I know, I know, Dennis, if the Ghoastess is going to keep siding with AZB rejects, I shall have to put him on IGNORE..There is just
NO challenge anymore..

Ima respond to your posts...

Hey and your Kolby's homies need to chill out - everybody on here knows how good you played and gambled all your life - do you really think you and your posse need to defend that?..:rolleyes:..we all know that Artie's rant is just silly woofing, and by the way, aren't you the one always calling other peoples thin-skinned...:rolleyes:...

...the reason for re-posting Artie's post had nothing whatsoever to do with needling you :frus it was just to show one of Artie's classic, funny, hardcore rants - you just happened to be his target in that one - if it was me in it, I would have posted it up just the same..:heh...if you want I'll go back and edit it, and replace your name with mine throughout his post...:heh

- Gost

One Pocket Ghost

Verified Member
May 25, 2004
I copied & pasted one of his classic lines not too long ago but I forget where it is.

Originally Posted by Artie Bodendorfer:
Mistakes are a high price to pay for a mistake.

Of course I fixed the spelling:p.


Dennis...are you sure it wasn't Yogi Berra that said that?..:D...:heh

- Goast

Cowboy Dennis

Verified Member
Dec 16, 2008
As long as we're reminiscing:

bstroud said:

You're right. I didn't go to Bensingers very often. I didn't like stepping over the junkies to get in. Besides as I said the Golden 8 ball had way more action.

I met Joey Lapides out in Libertyville at the Green Duck right after I beat Alley Opp. He tried to rob me on the highway but didn't get there. He was lucky to have escaped alive. Later we became friendly.

I played everyone at the Golden 8 ball that wanted to play and beat them all.
Saw Freddy a few times but he never wanted to play. Played Fells several times. Think I gave him the 7 ball. You can ask him. HE is still alive.

Also played Billy I. and Brenie Swartz right after he won the Srardust 9 ball tourney.

Never saw Buggs there.

Bill Stroud

Artie Bodendorfer said:
Billy Stroud you didnt come too Bensingers but one time. And Freddy robed you playing banks.

You looket like a little kid that stepet in a pudle off mud. You looket scared too death and after Freddy anialated you and beat you out off all youre money shirt and pants.

And you left Bensingers crying and never came back. Because the stoming Freddy put on you was a life time memory off how he tourcherd you in Bensingers playing banks.

And you were never the same after that. And went and hid out at the golden eight ball. And you didnt play Bugs or Abroso or Eddie Robine or Canadian Pete.

And I dont think you played Bernie Scwartz at the golden eight ball. I dont think he was even thier. And I no Clem didnt go too the golden eight ball.

And I never seen you in none off the other pool rooms Like Howard and Paulina and Marrys golden cue. Or Hammond Indiana.

And I never seen you in ant barplaying pool. And the bars were good action.

And Aliup was a bar player. Race track Phile use too play him. And thier wetre a lot off bar players.

You say now you played these players 40 years latter. Well back then in the real days. Nobody even herd off you or even new you.

And thier was no problem playing pool on the south side off Chicago at that time. And you saying that akines told you that the black panthers told him for you too leave is redicoulous.

Why would they tell akines too tell you too leave. Dont you think they had enough heart too go up too you and tell you get the f out off her.

But they wouldnt do that any way. Because thier would be no reason to tell you too leave.

And back then Jerry Hibbart Schadollie and Rabbite would back Bugs against anybody for whatever you wanted too bet.

And howe did you not play Dick Weaver? Or Eddie Lobby or Ray Mapales. Or peaches. or Race track Phil. And howe did you miss Sherdan and Wilson.

Or 20 other pool rooms in Chicago. And Eddie robines would have robed you playing straight pool and nine ball. and one pocket. And tree coushion. And any game you would have played.

Billy I realy doesnt seam too clear about playing you at that time. And I dont no howe you could have beat him.

Unless it was a cheap game for practice that didnt mean anything realy. Howe much did you play Billy for a game. Do you remember. Was it a dollaer or two dollaers a game.

And If you knew the junkiess were at Bensingers what did you come by thier for youre fix.

And nobody bothered nobody in Bensingers. And you had some off the clasiest and richest people comeing down thier. Withch you dont even no.

You had one off the richest people in town comeing down too Bensingers.

And Judges and lawyers would come too Bensingers too hang out. Even people like Milton Burro and Rigling Brother North.

You had some off the clasest people hanging out at Bensingers.

I guess Freddys stroming scared yiou and chaset you away from Benisingers forever.

And I herd you were a one dollaer player. I am surprised that you didnt beat Don Willes.

And I guess Bugs was another one off those pool players that was hard too find.

I had no problem Finding him if I was looking for him too play. Especialy on the south side off Chicago.

And you said yopu beat Paul twice I dont belive that either. And what did you play Gorge for . You said he played you nine ball and you gave him the 7 and the nineball.

Witch is hard for me too belive because all Gorge wanted too play was straight pool. Thats what he loved too play.

I no one thing for sure. I dont no if you would play or not. But its a lock Freddy would always play. And he didnt care who it was.

He loved playing. And I havant figured out yet if you were looking too play pool or. just be a pool sweather. And I dont belive that you beat Billy unless it was a funnsy game for a dollaer or two.

It couldnt have been for any real money. Because you stricke me as you were a pass time player. And Joe was one off my best coustomers.

Howe did you not play him. He played everyone too. And howe did you Duck Johnny Abroso down thier.

Howe did you miss Eddie Rodines he was down thier like clock work every day. Or was he too good for you.

But I remember Freddy histing you playing bank pool at Bensingers. And Youre another guy Freddy chaset out off Bensingers.

So you knock the joint because you got busted playing Freddy. And you werent thier long enough too say good by.

And you took your broke ass back too the Golden Eight Ball too play on those nice gold cloth pool tables.

Were you felte you could be a wise guy instead off being a sucker. Being arould all those squares.

And those 4 by 8 tables were perfect for youre two dollaer stroke.

Im surprised you didnt beat Billy Johnson when you were thier too. But you were thier for a short time. Very short.

Because if you had money. And I new it. I would have broke you and you would have had too get a job.

But you are older know and I guess you are intitled too think you were a half ass player.

Who did you beat for all that big money on the south side off Chicago. IT wasant Watussie was it. Maybe it was Jump around. Or Frankin Stien.

Did you like it when Freddy Broke you and sent you home happy????

And I am very upset that Billy is so nice too you. Not remembering the times you are talking about. But I guess thats because Billy is nice too everyone.

Do you seill get those night mares from Freddy banking 8 and out on you in Bensingers.

Maybee you should buy a couple off his books. That will help your game. And you can learn too play ass good as Freddy did.

When he Barbacued you. THats was the last off Billy Stroud in Benisingers.

Feddy told you too take youre brock ASS home.


Dec 7, 2007
As long as we're reminiscing:

Who Else..? said:
..(response to B. Stroud)

And I am very upset that Billy is so nice too you. Not remembering the times you are talking about. But I guess thats because Billy is nice too everyone. <---Something is wrong here..There are NO misspelled words, in this entire sentence..RBL must have cleaned it up...:cool:

Do you seill get those night mares from Freddy banking 8 and out on you in Bensingers.

Maybee you should buy a couple off his books. That will help your game. And you can learn too play ass good as Freddy did.

When he Barbacued you. THats was the last off Billy Stroud in Benisingers.

Feddy told you too take youre brock ASS home.

In Billy's defense, He didn't say he beat Cardone or Larry Schwartz...He just said he "played" them..:rolleyes:

Where are you Mr. Stroud ?..Are you lurking ?..Come on back, this group ain't near as tough as the young guy's you thought you were going to rob at DCC...;) Are you too busy practicing up for next year ?
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