*** A Percentage and Odds Question for Dr. Bill ***

Tom Wirth

Verified Member
Jul 5, 2004
Delray Beach, Florida
Pool is 75% EXECUTION and 25% KNOWLEDGE, Billiards is 75% KNOWLEDGE and 25% EXECUTION.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Bill, I respectfully disagree with this statement. The ability to run a hundred balls in straight pool, string several racks together in 9 ball, and play top flight one pocket with the best players in the world takes far more intelligence than you appear to be giving credit. Execution certainly cannot be under emphasized but shot selection and imagination are also a big part of the equation. Billiards requires no trapping skills or the intelligence and knowledge needed to escape from traps. Stringing multiple racks of 9 ball together takes a great deal more thought than simply getting up there and shooting the balls in the holes. And great straight pool players who have the ability to run a hundred balls and more every time they step to the table have more going for them than just shot making skills.

Be careful where you tread on this one, Bill.

You are in foreign territory.:)



Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
Pool is 75% EXECUTION and 25% KNOWLEDGE, Billiards is 75% KNOWLEDGE and 25% EXECUTION.[/SIZE]

Bill, I respectfully disagree with this statement. The ability to run a hundred balls in straight pool, string several racks together in 9 ball, and play top flight one pocket with the best players in the world takes far more intelligence than you appear to be giving credit. Execution certainly cannot be under emphasized but shot selection and imagination are also a big part of the equation. Billiards requires no trapping skills or the intelligence and knowledge needed to escape from traps. Stringing multiple racks of 9 ball together takes a great deal more thought than simply getting up there and shooting the balls in the holes. And great straight pool players who have the ability to run a hundred balls and more every time they step to the table have more going for them than just shot making skills.

Be careful where you tread on this one, Bill.

You are in foreign territory.:)


Tom; I'm NOT going to go into a lengthy debate over this subject, but, here's just a few points!

#1 In 9 ball you have to shoot the balls in ROTATION, NO aggressive shot choice there. Also, playing safe in 9 ball, you have in the beginning of the game 7 or 8 balls to hide behind, at ANY point of the game in 3 Cushion you have NONE!

#2 In straight pool, you again have any where's from 15 balls to make a shot selection. In 3 Cushion you have 3, play off opponents ball, the red ball or cushion first. Playing safe in straight pool, again, the player has MANY balls and ways to play safe! Again, in 3 cushion the choices are limited to, freezing opponents cue ball the short cushion, other 2 balls at the other end in a bad spot.

#3 One pocket may be the game that closely resembles some knowledge and strategies as in 3 Cushion. But, again you have MANY balls to chose from to start your inning, as I said before, in 3 Cushion you are limited!

#4 A person who has NEVER walked into a billiard room KNOWS immediately what the purpose of the tables with holes are! ANY person with average hand/eye coordination and diligent practice will be able to pocket balls to the level of a, "D" or "C" player within a year, WITHOUT instruction. Especially, playing 9 ball, the player has a ROAD MAP to what balls to shoot.

#5 That same person walks into a billiard room with ALL 3 Cushion tables, what's the VERY first question out of their mouth! "Where's the pockets?" If that person dose the SAME for 1 year playing 3 Cushion as with pool, they WON"T be able to avg. 0.250.

The BIG point here, a person can learn how to play pool to level where they can enjoy the game WITHOUT instruction, to play 3 Cushion to the same end, you CANNOT!

This is where obtaining the proper KNOWLEDGE is the MOST important aspect between the 2 games.

Bill Smith "mr3Cushion

P.S. I have the HIGHEST respect for certain pool games, when played at the HIGHEST level, I've seen much at that level living in Chicago for many years.

Tom Wirth

Verified Member
Jul 5, 2004
Delray Beach, Florida
Bill, In some cases doesn't the shear number of balls to choose from increase the complexity of the game? As an example, here on OnePocket.org you will find this to be true simply by reading the posts of players with various ideas in response to the wwyd threads.

I agree that we don't have to get into a deep discussion regarding the expertise needed for billiards as apposed to pool. It is like comparing apples to oranges. Each requires talent, knowledge, experience, and skill to execute at the top of the food chain. We are not talking about the lower level player here who hasn't a clue what they are trying to accomplish during their inning. We are talking about the cream of the crop. Best of the best in the pool world knows the minute factors which enable excellent play on a consistent basis. It is the same in billiards.



Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
Bill, In some cases doesn't the shear number of balls to choose from increase the complexity of the game? As an example, here on OnePocket.org you will find this to be true simply by reading the posts of players with various ideas in response to the wwyd threads.

I agree that we don't have to get into a deep discussion regarding the expertise needed for billiards as apposed to pool. It is like comparing apples to oranges. Each requires talent, knowledge, experience, and skill to execute at the top of the food chain. We are not talking about the lower level player here who hasn't a clue what they are trying to accomplish during their inning. We are talking about the cream of the crop. Best of the best in the pool world knows the minute factors which enable excellent play on a consistent basis. It is the same in billiards.


Real quickly Tom, I have to go and give a lesson.
In pool the BEST you can hope for is CONTROL of 2 balls, CB AND OB and any other collision.

In 3 Cushion, the object for BEST results is CONTROL ALL 3 balls.

That ALONE, is enough to compare the 2 games to which takes more KNOWLEDGE and EXECUTION! GOT to GO!

Bill Smith "Mr3Cushion"


Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
I guess I see a more complex view of pool than the simplistic one you are portraying.


Tom; This exactly why they have, "horse racing", different opinions!

No worries, pal!

Bill Smith "Mr3Cushion

P.S. Maybe when next I'm at Wynmoor, we can trade examples on both tables.

Tom Wirth

Verified Member
Jul 5, 2004
Delray Beach, Florida
Sound good Bill, I look forward to the debate and seeing you again so I can pick your brain on Billiards. I'm learning a lot about position play and enjoying the game more and more.



Verified Member
Sep 17, 2008
Cocoa Beach, FL
Sound good Bill, I look forward to the debate and seeing you again so I can pick your brain on Billiards. I'm learning a lot about position play and enjoying the game more and more.


Tom; That's GREAT to hear. I forgot to mention after my lesson today, with this lady, that is a APA 4 told me tonight they play 9 ball. I told her, OK, lets practice some 9 ball. So I fooled around with for 3 or 4 racks and finally decided to win a game.

First rack, 4 balls go in on the snap, run out.
Second rack, 3 balls go in, RO
Third rack, 2 onions fall, RO one more time
Fourth rack, another 2 potatoes drop, RO, for a 4 PACK! :eek:

Not bad for a broken down OLD 3 cushion player. ;)

I said to Eva, "This is getting boring, too much back n forth, I'm going back to playing 3C on the pool table!" JK :lol:lol:lol

Bill Smith "Mr3Cushion"

P.S. BTW, the tables were 4x8 Black GC V's with 4 3/4 pockets!