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  • Hello, can you refer me to someone who has the time and patience to give advice in starting a 1P League?
    beltsander bill
    I ran two sessions of 1pkt league and had good participation. However, the league was doomed by the popularity of the pool room. Nine ball is very popular and teams have four to five players involved. One pocket was an individual league that had two players per table. and the players played seriously and did little for the beverage sales. We are now trying to schedule one weekend tournament per quarter.
    Thanks, I am looking for advice on handicapping, etc. Can you give me an idea of your format, etc.
    Last few days I've frequently been sent to a youtube link while just trying to move around on the site. It'd telling me that due to high volume from my network I need to enter a verification code.

    Do you know whassup?
    There are "visitor messages" and "private messages". Anyone can see visitor messages if they click on someone's profile. This is a visitor message, and so was your message to me. There is a little drop down menu to choice between visitor and private. Be sure to click private if that is what you want!
    I don't think I grasp the manner of treating Private messages. A couple of times when I wanted to send a private message, I clicked to the member's "private" page and saw listed some previous messages that member had received... apparently not private. Do I need to know something special to send a message that will actually be viewable only by the member addressed?

    Im concerned with the recent posts in the members café about nominating people for the HOF and the ability to push for a recipient. If a member has the ability to push for recognition what does it say about the award itself. It was one of the reasons I kind of left earlier. It was a Chicago contingent who had too much a strong influence. I knew about Artie B but questioned his award to the HOF before many others.
    Though the ceremony itself is just a wonderful thing and the recognition of all those who contributed so much important, this discussion I think just smears the whole concept.
    My thoughts
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