Article on Ginky - answers some of the questions


Verified Member
Jul 16, 2006


Verified Member
Dec 10, 2008
New Braunfels tx.
philwelch said:
The article says he was known for his composure and mental toughness.
I guess it took this article to legitimize the term mental toughness.

Hell yeah, he made to 39 years.;)

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
androd said:
Hell yeah, he made to 39 years.;)

Mental Toughness too me would be too be in a very tough position. And you handle youre problem . And gface it and whatever happines from thier.

You made your decicion. And if you handle youre mental toughness problem.

Every thing will be ok. Because you figured it out and you handle your problem.

Like a grow mature adulte. And that is Mental Tughmness too me.

MR. Ghoast. And you are mentaly and Phisicaly tough in all pool games.

To the CHICAGO GHOAST. If any off his students read this you are very lucky too have such a nice guy and a great Coach teaching you gtreatest game thier is Pool. And Especialy one pocket straight pool.

Have the Ghoast teach you about mentale Toughness.


Verified Member
Mar 19, 2007
vero beach fl
artie how you handled yourself in the car was surely mental toughness

who was in the car behind you???


Verified Member
Feb 27, 2007
Vegas & LA
Mental toughness IMO is like muscle toughness. You have to test your limits and push forward. For some they are born with it, or it comes with ease-Alex and I talked about this at dinner one night. He taught me a lot. Some guys take a few bad beats or dog it and are finished for life. You cant train in what God left out.

Also there are many kinds of mental toughness, some for action, others for dealing with death, poverty, wealth, cold, hot, or just being alone being alone and 1000's other thing. Its a very complex topic. We all have our strong suits and weak ones. And I really dont think we can change them much.

I didnt know Ginky, I sure wished I did. I heard lots about him of course. And I like meeting all people in pool. I feel bad for him and his family. RIP-he was amazing.

On a VERY personal note I cant deal with death, I haven't seen a pic of my mom or dad since they died in 05 and 00 respectively. I couldn't stand the pain it would cause me. Thats how weak I am, I loved them so much there are no words to describe it. Even friends I have lost I cant see their pictures.

I really feel bad for Ginky and his friends, I know he was one of a kind.



PS Thanks to Mary(a VERY dear friend of mine for just short of 20 years), when she was on the tour doing good I was her sparring partner sometimes. I treasure those moments. We never gambled, but did bring the best out of each other-we played like the loser was going to get thrown to the lions. We played hard, speaking for myself I dont know If I ever played harder. We raced to 11 and I'd get to 8,9,10 but not to 11. The honest line on the game was the last 2(usually a excuse to play-but in out case it was the line).. I wanted to beat her so bad I could taste it, I still can. I might have got to 11 first a few times but over all she got there first more often. I dont remember how many races we played over a year period but I just couldn't get there often enough to be the winner. I dont think I ever got to less than 8-it was that close. And as I said I never played harder-I wanted to beat a pro. I learned lots from her on how to act and carry myself in a professional manor, Thanks Mary. Someday I hope to pass what you taught me to someone else.(sorry I got off track). But our mental strength was equal(but you played a hair better, our will to win was the highest I ever had) and I could feel it. Literary feel it more when we played than any other time in all the pool I have ever played., thats why I mentioned our game.

I believe the tp pros can turn this strength on and off, for me a non-pro some days I have it and other days I cant turn it on no matter what I do-it just inst there and that makes a big difference. Mary always had it, she brought it out of me, But other times I can be in action and damned if I cant turn it on. And to be a pro that shouldn't be the case. It should always be available when needed. Mary always has it, IMO. So does Ralf, Alex, JA, Bartrum, Ginky(RIP), Justin Bergman has it real strong. Keith.

Gd rest Ginky's soul, its such a shame we lost a member of the pool family. Pool is a family-we may not get along. But were still family
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Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
lll said:
artie how you handled yourself in the car was surely mental toughness

who was in the car behind you???[/QUOTE

I call that a angle watching over me. And they sure can sing nice songs.

NH Steve

Apr 25, 2004
New Hampshire
Sad story, and unfortunately one that all too often comes up. I bet none of us here have to look too far among the poolrooms and players we have known over the years to find a similar end result -- even if the talent was not up to Ginky's level.


Verified Member
Jul 22, 2005
Ginky had so many shining moments yet I feel they are all overshadowed by his darkest hours. A run of 343 is an incredible feat that very few attain, but what is it worth when you are remembered for your years of drug abuse & for dying broke? Drugs just obliterate lives & leave nothing positive behind.

I know we are all obligated to celebrate the positives of Ginky's life,

John Brumback

Verified Member
Dec 6, 2010
Nice guy though

Nice guy though

I played him In Lex,KY I got lucky and won both matches 11 to 7 and I'm telling you,you would have thought he won! He was one of the most friendly
guys on the tour that I played with.He just kept telling me how good I was playing. I sure didn't know he had any problems back then.
He will be missed by alot of people.I know I liked him alot!!
John B.

Artie Bodendorfer

Verified Member
Nov 18, 2005
mosconiac said:
Ginky had so many shining moments yet I feel they are all overshadowed by his darkest hours. A run of 343 is an incredible feat that very few attain, but what is it worth when you are remembered for your years of drug abuse & for dying broke? Drugs just obliterate lives & leave nothing positive behind.

I know we are all obligated to celebrate the positives of Ginky's life,

Sometimes in life thier cmes a time when itseasier toosay goodby. Then to stay and face another day.

Mental toghness can come ito this situation very strong. If we do not control our mind then it can destroy us.

Bensingers had a lot off young people like that comeing in and out the door.

But for some people it is esaer too end thier life than too face the pain off another day.

Its what people do too let go off thier pain that is inside thier mend.

And it does not matter who you are or were you came from. The only thing that metters is howe they fell and the momonte.

Its a tought that has been eating away at them for years. Is it the drug.

Or is it themselves and they cannot face themselves no more.

And feel sad deprest weak and hopeless and see no reason for living. But only tourture and pain. And they have no reason or pourpose too live for.

They give up on life and themseleves. And they make a decision that what they are going too do is better than going on living thier misrable life.

And they dont have the strength and courage too over come thier misrable and un happy life.

And when its over thier pain and suffering will be gone. And they wont have too cope with the issue every day that has been terring them appart.

And they can love the people around them. But they do not love themselves. Thier is nothing left too live for.

And the make the decision too stop thier pain. So at last they will be free again.

They sad part is. Is it better too go on in pain every day. 24 houers a day.

Or is it better too say good by. Mentaly they have drained themselves off thier power.

Is it the correct joice only they can answer that. Its thier life and they are the ones that have too face each day.

And for what.Too go through more pain and suffereing. People get too the point were they say I dont want no more off this.

And the only saloution is too go too sleep. So they dont have too face tommarow.

And its sad. Yet they were strong enough too do what they made thier mind up too do. Its always hard too say good by.

But what are they realy saying good by too. The people they love. Or the pain they live with and face every day.

Life too some people is a night mare. Or a bad dream that wont go away.

And in thier mind its easier too end it then have too face another day.

Thier are many people like that in the world. Some live with the pain and some will end it today.

They are free nowe is it better. I do not have that answer. I no today they are not going through the same pain. Is it better to live and suffer?

Or is it better to end the suffering. THe only thing I can say. IT all depends on the indevidule.

What are they missing. I dont no. Would thier life have changed and got better or worse.

Nobody knowes because the are no longer her to see what happines.

Were they wrong what they did. Its not for us too answer. They are the only ones who can answer that qouistion.

Because they are the person who had too live that life.

What did we learn. That if thier is no cure for thier pain. Things will continue the same way just different faces and people.

Life too them was misary. And any hope in thier life was drained. And thier was noreason too keep going on the way they were living.

WE all have our crosses too carry. Nobody can do it for us. Life is great as long as we control it.

And it doesnt control us.


Verified Member
Oct 6, 2004
John Brumback said:
I played him In Lex,KY I got lucky and won both matches 11 to 7 and I'm telling you,you would have thought he won! He was one of the most friendly
guys on the tour that I played with.He just kept telling me how good I was playing. I sure didn't know he had any problems back then.
He will be missed by alot of people.I know I liked him alot!!
John B.

Any time we lose a great player, questions can arise about their lifestyle and such. It may be that pool or life just destroys some but it sustains others. I only knew him very casually but as John said he was as nice as they come but we all have problems in life and the dice just catch up with some early.

it just makes me appreciate life as it comes more now. you never know when you will take the "Big Scratch"!

May his soul find peace.



Verified Member
Feb 27, 2007
Vegas & LA
that was a very well written article and accounting of Ginky, I dont know how true it all is, but it was well written. I liked how it ended. I feel much the same about my life. Im not hooked on pain drugs, I was physically dependant on them until aug 2008 for about 3 years but not Oxy's or the real hard Schedual 2 drugs. I cant imagine how bad that must be.

I'm trapped again today in bed in pain, I just refuse to take the pills the drugs are worse than the pain, unless its right after a operation then drugs are not a option. Life isnt equal for all of us. pain is a mother ****er-its ruined the past 6 years of my life and cost me millions of $$ making bad decisions, not because of drugs buecause when you hurt so bad you cant think right and people take advantage of you.

I cant imagine the hell Ginky went through, my heart goes out to him.


Verified Member
Dec 7, 2010
Portland, OR
Hindsight is a &^$%@..

I lost a good friend to cancer at 28 last year, my grandmother to old age a month ago at 107 and my uncle to a whole mix of ailments a couple of weeks ago. I've had family members use bad stuff, known people who have OD'd that looked like they had the world in front of them and have lived in L.A. and was involved in enough different circles that I saw my fair share of things done.

To me, remembering someone is to try to build on what they left you. Even maintaining what was left could be enough to get you through on some days. Support is what I offer my friends.. I've gotten 'screwed' and have probably done the same as far as financial support.. mental support was always the biggest factor - knowing that somebody was there to let you know that you can do it, or that it is already if you didn't.

My grandmother lasted nearly 30 years without my grandfather, which to this day still amazes me with how dearly she still held him in her heart. Once in a while, I'll think I have problems, but then my mind will wander back to what she must've seen from 1903 - 2011.

I've met a lot of people in my short time. I'm not very good at keeping in touch, though, and reluctantly accept that as a character flaw. I do, however, keep many people in my thoughts. I try not to carry it as a weight on my back, but as friends by my side. I know that out there somewhere are the good people that I've met, doing good things. That makes me happy.

Ginky must've been a good person to have left such an impression. It's sad that his weakness cost him his life. He'll live on in quite a few people, I'm sure. Rest in peace.

I'll tell you this, though.. as far as ending anything myself, I've dealt with too much goddamn bullshit to go out that easily. They're going to have to prove to me that I'm dead before I get put in the ground. :mad: