Local veteran John Brumback came out of the one-loss side to win the US Open Bank Pool Championships at Qlympics in Louisville, KY. Meanwhile, Tony Chohan is our new US Open One Pocket champion.
US Open One Pocket Results
1. Tony Chohan $3700
2. Gabe Owen $2400
3. Shannon Daulton $1540
4. Sergio Perez $1050
5. Rafael Martinez $675
6. Jason Miller $675
7. Chris Bartram $425
8. John Brumback $425 -
US Open Banks Results
1. John Brumback $3700
2. Jason Miller $2400
3. Brian Gregg $1500
4. Shannon Daulton $1025
5. Shawn Putnam $650
6. Tony Chohan $650
7. John Grim $400
8. Louis Ulrich $400