Hustlers got hustled


Verified Member
Jan 15, 2015
Several years ago, a couple guys from an hour away came through town on there way east. Their plan was to make a stop, make a little score and then they can bet more at their final destination.

I knew them both and they could play. The shorter fellow was better than the tall one. I played him cheap 9b getting the called 8 on a big table, and won a couple sets before he quit. The taller guy wouldn't play me at 9b and that's all I played at the time, so there was no action between us. I was about time to head home.

When I paid off the time, I came over and sat with them, and the shorter dude (we'll call him Shorty) was hitting on one of the girls playing on a bar table. She was acting like she wanted to lose weight so the guys would tell her differently, and it was working. I decided to throw my line in to see if I could get a bite.

"Oh stop it with the weight baloney. I bet I could bench press you...ten times. Shorty, you want a chance to win your money back?"

He thought for a moment and said "Make it 20 times."

"Bet!" I didn't hesitate. The girl was maybe 115 or 120 tops, so the only thing I wasn't sure of was balancing her.

I coached her a little and away we went. The first few were slow to get a feel for balancing her, then 10, 15, then 17, then I started slowing down, as if to struggle, as that happened I heard a profane order come from up above.

I heard some comments between them and I think they were changing their plans and were going to head home. Sounded like a good plan to me.