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  • It needs to be sent to Steve, but no rush. He'll probably post paypal info on the thread after the tournament ends.

    Better luck next time. :>)
    Hey buddy, its my turn to send you some $$$$. I can pay you either by check or PayPal. Just send me your info and Ill get it out to you. Hope you are having a ball at the tournament. Keith/Sappo
    John, I didn't want kill any of your action or embarrass anyone so Im writing it here BUT Millers bet is a little questionable. if 3 of his 5 players win he loses money. I think that falls into the negative EV category. Good luck with your action and thanks for putting it out there. Keith/Sappo
    Hey John

    Looks like Orcullo outlasted my horse JH. Text me your address and I will send your money.
    240 876 2003

    Don't know if my reply went through, but if not I sounds good. Let me what I can do to help. I'm sure you've already got Rowsey to add 10,000 so let's get it rolling!
    Thanks, Todd.

    Believe me, you and Bill did PLENTY to make me feel at home.

    See you soon.

    John, I want to apologize to you for not being more hospitable during your visit.
    I was very busy/stressful with work last 2 weeks and I was just dragging and not myself.
    If you come back again I'll make sure we go to Dales and get an Outback steak out of William! Your friend T
    Same to ya, George. Sorry you weren't able to make it back. Good of you to go to those extremes to help out an old friend. I'll look forward to seeing you again.

    It was a pleasure meeting you at the New Orleans tournament John. William was ready to go back to the Rest Home. I was planning on coming back Saturday evening but I got frustrated with the traffic on the West Bank where he stays. I spent two hours tied up in traffic. Stay strong and safe...George Bru
    Enjoyed meeting you John. Sorry I didn't get to shake your hand before I left. Saw you playing Dave, but as I was leaving someone else was there and I didn't see you around. Hope to see you in October. It was fun.
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