Ability to clock a player


Verified Member
Aug 10, 2004
Clocking a Player...

Clocking a Player...

Even though I am at best a "B" player, I can recognize skill, knowledge and temperment when I see it and evaluate another player. This is especally true if I get a chance to watch that player over a bit ot time.

Now, I may not be able to consistently kick like Efren, but having seen what he does I can identify that skill in another player. same thing for banking or cut shots -- just because I cannot personally execute at Shannon's Level -- it doesn't mean that I am not able to handicap another player.

"Clocking" another player has a lot more to do with understanding what is going on at the table than it does with being able to execute at the table, this is why some of the biggest winners are the guys who sweat the action -- they may not be able to play a lick, but they do know who is going to be the percentage favorite to win.

Handsome Dan

New Member
Mar 14, 2006
Handsome Dan

Handsome Dan

NH Steve said:
One guy who is pretty good at clocking players these days is the fellow seated between Rickie Byrd & Marshall Carpenter. I believe he's from Pittsburgh, PA -- but obviously he must get around a bit because Pittsburgh isn't exactly the crossroads of USA pool hustling :) . Not to knock the Steel City, it's just that it is a little more off the beaten path than, for example Chicago. I don't believe I have ever seen him play -- but he sure is a sharp observor of action.

I believe his name is Steve, and I heard someone call him "ten-to-two" because of the slight natural lean to his head...

His name is Steve and I've heard him called 'little Stevie' and he is from Pittsburgh and not only is he good at clocking players he can play a little himself.


Verified Member
Apr 11, 2006
Anderson, CA
...this is how I clock a player....

...this is how I clock a player....

...my sure fire method ...always works....hope ya "well healed"...though...lol....first ya ...interupt the game in progress.....by ...yellin' out........."any you suckers wanna play some 1 hole"....the one that smiles when he lifts his head is probably the best player.....then ya take 'em in turn....bet big...cause I know that'll bring out your best game...lol....after palyin 'em both...you count how much each has beatin you out of......the one with the most money...was the best.....lol.....I think...Ronnie Allen is the best...lol....he's got some of my ..duckets...from....40 years ago...sure he has them on the wall in a glass case.....


Verified Member
Oct 17, 2005
Novato, CA
Hey Lee

Hey Lee

How about setting up handicapped 1p tournaments in lovely Cotati, CA?
I've got everything we need. I can bring you the free Starter Kit. I wouldn't dream of charging a nickel until the system is 'perfect', and only then would gratuities from the players be the only acceptable form of payment for the Tournament Director, the House, this website, and I.

Frank Giordano :confused: