'em up with
Taylor, part 1
2004 Steve Booth, OnePocket.org
acclaimed as the premier Bank Pool player of all time, many
consider Eddie Taylor one of the very best One Pocket players
of all time as well. And before his eyesight began to fail
him, Eddie was right there in 9-Ball, too. Clearly Eddie Taylor
is one of the finest all-around players ever to pick up a
cue, for which he was honored in 1993 by election to the Billiard
Congress of America Hall of Fame. |
Could you tell us a little about how you developed into such a great
Banks and One Pocket player?
My first game was pool of course, but then I got into Snooker when
I was about 14 years old and I got to be a very good Snooker player,
but there was no money in it. All of the money games around the
South -- especially in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and a couple
other states -- all the money games were on Bank Pool. That's how
come I wound up playing Banks.
So you followed the money...
I was sixteen years old and I was playing very, very good Banks
at that time. Earl Shriver and a guy they called Erie Fats -- who
was a tremendous player of everything -- came to Lexington together,
and that's when I wound up with Earl, which was my first inkling
of One Pocket. Earl was really a top notch One Pocket player. He
played everything good, but One Pocket was probably his best game.
When I got with Earl Shriver, every time we didn't get any action
in a little town or something, we'd play some One Pocket -- he was
teaching me how to play. It was a long time before I got real comfortable
with One Pocket, but the banks helped me tremendously.
So when you got together with Earl you were only 16 and he was only
21, yet he was already a top One Pocket player -- so what's all
this about having to be older to play good One Pocket?
Right, he was already a good One Pocket player
at 21. But they didn't play that game everywhere. We hustled all
over the country, and we just didn't run into it at that time, except
Oklahoma City was a pretty big One Pocket town. I would say it didn't
get real popular until the 50's.
Where do you suppose Earl learned the game since he was only 21
and already so sharp at One Pocket?
I don't really know. I think he might have learned it from around
Hubert Cokes or somebody like that. Cokes was one of the early,
early players. I never had anyone ask that question before. I don't
know exactly where he learned it, because they didn't hardly play
it in the South. It was kind of like finding Straight Pool in the
South -- you could drive all over for six months to a year and you'd
never see a Straight Pool game. They played 9-Ball of course, but
mostly they played Rotation. It was during the depression, and most
of the time I never had enough money to play but one or two games,
so you didn't want to play a game where somebody might luck out
on you.
Who were some of the other players that helped build
your One Pocket game?
The next guy that helped my One Pocket game, who was also
from the Washington DC area, was Johnny 'Rags' Fitzpatrick.
The first time, we played 9-8 at my hometown -- this was in
the 40's -- we played for $400 a game and we played for two
weeks, and I think either he won one game or I won one game
-- I don't remember which.
So at that time he was giving you a ball?
Yes, 9-8, but at Banks I gave him a ball and beat him. But
he was a very good player and a very good player to play with.
He was a gentleman and played high, too. He stayed with me
for six months until his mother called and said the government
wanted to see him to go into the service. But he was a tip-top
player. |
early player was Hayden Lingo. He came to Knoxville and played
John R. Cook and John R. gave Lingo the 1-2-3-4-5 playing Rotation
and broke Lingo because Lingo was kind of stalling, and you
know any good player could run out from the 5-Ball no problem.
He came back a little bit later and beat John R. of course,
playing even. That was my first inkling of Hayden Lingo. I never
did play Lingo for money, but he was one of the top early One
Pocket players. I learned one thing from him; I learned that
you don't want to get a lot of balls bunched up along the rail
above your pocket because you'll block your long banks. You
want to keep those balls out of your way so you can make the
long banks. I had heard so many great things about him, and
when I practiced with him I could see why. |
It seems like Hayden Lingo got around a lot -- I know he was in
Boston at one point.
The time I was around him for a couple of weeks was like 1950 or
'51 -- I think I had a '50 Buick.
Considering your ability to make long banks, did you tend to push
the balls up table early in a game?
Yes, I also did that if I could, anytime it was a real tough game.
Who were some of the other strong One Pocket players
you bumped into?
Another guy was Don Decoy; did you ever hear anything about
Yes, I have heard of him, I understand he died in
a car crash.
That's right, but he was a very, very good player -- at every
game, too. Another guy you might have heard of was Bob Roberts,
from California.
'Big Nose' Roberts...
That's right. He wound up committing suicide. He got some
kind of bad problem with his back and he couldn't play pool.
Well I played him a couple of times -- we won't go into it
-- but I came out a little ahead.
those, and there was probably two or three more that I've
been trying to think of... Of course Ronnie Allen was a tip-top
player, no question about that. He was giving everybody two
or three balls -- well not everybody -- but most everybody.
Allen, Eddie Taylor & Marshall
Carpenter |
In the early sixties.
Yeah. He won the One Pocket tournament in 1962
in San Francisco -- I think there were about 14-15 in it -- and
he won that. I think I finished like third, and we played a little
after that, but that's neither here nor there. Ed Kelley was another
very good One Pocket player. That pretty much settles it up as far
as the real good players that I can remember.
Did you ever play Eugene 'Clem' Metz?
The first time I played Clem was in my hometown and I didn't know
him. I played him either 8-6 or 9-7 and I had him down to his last
dollar -- his last game -- but I didn't know that and I had to quit
because I was having a bad problem with my left eye and left side
of my nose. It was killing me, and I had to get somebody to take
me home and put scalding towels on it. Anyhow, he told me this later,
'I only had one shell left.' But the next day he got even and I
quit. I wanted to change the game, but he didn't want to change
the game.
next time we played, I had quit playing for 10 or 11 months. He
came in and they called me and I said 'I can't play; I haven't been
playing.' But I finally played and he beat me out of a couple of
hundred dollars -- but that didn't matter at all. The next time
I saw him was in Johnston City when the tournament was getting ready
and all the action was going on. I hustled him to play some for
a hundred or two but he wouldn't play, but we became good friends
after that.
How about Marcel Camp, did you ever play him?
Oh I knew Marcel real well. He came to my hometown and put on a
show, and he was the US Snooker Champion at that time, and I played
him an exhibition. We played two out of three and he beat me of
course. At that time, Snooker was pretty much my best game other
than Banks.
He was a good One Pocket player, too, wasn't he?
We played Banks after the exhibition. The guy that owned the poolroom
had given me the key to his place so we could get in there and play
-- they closed at eleven o'clock. I was 3 or 4 games ahead when
this policeman -- I guess he heard the balls -- banged on the door
and we had to let him in, and he stopped us from playing. Marcel
was ahead of me 6-1 in that last game. I said, 'Well the only thing
I can do is tomorrow I'll give you 6 balls and I'll leave you a
long shot like it was. That's the best I can do.' Anyhow I broke
him the next day and it came out in the paper, 'Mr. Taylor and Mr.
Camp played a very close exhibition match last night and the next
day Mr. Taylor and Mr. Camp engaged in some Bank Pool and Mr. Taylor
pocketed the coin.' I'll never forget that as long as I live.
In the newspaper!
But Camp and I ended up good friends; I knew him well.
So you were already near the top of your game by
about 1940?
Yeah, when I was about seventeen, there was a guy from Atlanta
that I ran into that gave me the fifteen ball playing Rotation
and he broke me -- probably beat me out of thirty dollars
or something like that. Then a few years later I had about
three thousand in my pocket, and these three guys -- who all
had a pocket full of money -- said they had this guy who would
play anybody 9-ball. They caught up with me in Jacksonville,
Florida, so I asked them to put up a thousand dollars, and
I'd put up the money when I got there. So I checked out of
the hotel and drove all the way up to this town in Georgia
-- eighty miles. When I got there, they hadn't put up the
money, but they got their player, and it was the guy who had
broke me two or three years before in Atlanta. |
I would say this,
in the early 1940's I would have played anybody on this earth
9-ball, one shot push-out. Where I could push-out, I'd push-out
to a bank, and a lot of good players found out they didn't
want to shoot it, but they didn't want to give it to me!
I saw who it was, I was going to try to get some odds, but he said
'Oh no, I've heard all about you Eddie.' But now, those three guys
want to bet but he won't let 'em. He wouldn't let 'em do anything
but play for twenty dollars a game, and besides that he says, 'I'll
play you some when the sun goes down.' I never heard that one before!
I wasn't going to play, I got so mad that he wouldn't let them bet.
They couldn't even bet on the side 'cuz the guy wouldn't let 'em.
Anyway, we did play, and he won the toss and he broke the balls
and he ran out, and broke the balls and ran out, and broke the balls
and ran out; and he did that five straight games. The sixth game
he made one on the break but he couldn't see the object ball so
he had to kick, because we were playing shoot to hit the ball --
which I didn't like either, but he wouldn't play no other way --
so he kicked and hit the ball, but ended up leaving me a shot. Well
I ran out that rack and then broke and ran out, and broke and ran
out and broke and ran out, six in a row to go ahead and he quit.
I cussed him out I was so mad; I had gone to all this trouble to
drive up there. I said, 'You mean to tell me you're gonna quit?
You never even missed a ball!' His name was Buck Bozeman, and he
was a very, very good player, that for some reason you never heard
so much about.
For a guy that just ran five racks to quit on you, that's
playing pretty strong! You went to the very first Johnston
City event, didn't you?
Yes, what happened was, I was in Cincinnati and I only had
about forty dollars in my pocket and Squirrel [Marshall
'Squirrel' Carpenter] called me and said, 'Why don't you
come over. There's a lot of players over here; you can get
some action.' I said, 'Squirrel, I really don't have any money.'
And he said, 'Oh, I've got plenty of money for you to play
with.' So I said, okay, I'll come on over. Well I got in there
at two o'clock in the morning and they had this one table
in the back of the J&J Ranch, and Squirrel was shooting
a long shot off of the end rail and they're betting two hundred
a pop on it. I said if he ever missed that twice he's dead,
and he did miss it twice, in fact he missed it three times,
but he ended up beating Earl out of twelve hundred. From there
on I had plenty of money to play with, but nobody would play
me. |
always say this, Squirrel shot better off the rail than anybody
I ever saw play pool in my life. I played him one time 9 to
7 or 10 to 8 -- this was a long time ago -- and I kept leaving
him shots from off the rail where if he missed, I'm out. But
he kept making 'em! I've always said he was the greatest player
off the rail. He could even raise up his stick and he would
never jump the table or anything. |
I wound up playing this guy -- a banker from Du Quion -- I can't
remember his name. First, I played him One Pocket 10 to 5. He said
nobody ever beat him playing 10 to 5, but I beat him out of two
or three thousand. Then I played him one-handed to his two at Banks,
and beat him out of another two or three thousand -- not the same
day -- and he told George Jansco, 'You know, it's worth a hundred
dollars a game to see that son-of-a-bitch shoot with one hand.'
that time I was playing very, very, very good one-handed. I'd have
played anybody in the world one-handed One Pocket or Banks. It was
between me and Earl supposedly for the top one-handed One Pocket
time, in Hot Springs Earl and I played for three hundred a game
-- he was getting staked -- and he beat me five games in a row.
The guy that was my backer at home was Charlie Brooks, a real high
bookmaker, and he said, 'What do you think, Eddie?' I said, 'It
don't mean a thing.' The money was half mine anyway that we were
playing for 'cuz I had a pocket full of money. So he said, 'Well
why don't you play him some for five.' And I said, 'I think that's
a good idea.' So I said, 'You want to play for five, Earl?' And
he said, 'Yeah', and we started playing for five and I beat him
six in a row. That shows you how things go...
So you and Earl both traveled together and matched up against each
Oh, that didn't matter at all to Earl. He was always after me because
I was doing so well, but it always backfired. Another time he was
backing a player against me where I got the break and the first
shot and I was playing him 9 to 3, but I learned how to do that,
so I even got him on that.
Do you remember your "spectacular run of 9 and
out" against Lassiter to win the '64 Johnston City All-Around
What happened was, the score was 2-2 in
games and he had me 7-0 in the next game and I mean, I performed
a miracle to win. He had his game ball in the hole, and I
managed to run four balls until I had this hard, hard cross
corner bank. I never could follow his ball in because there
was this ball sticking out over the line that he would have
shot in, and that's the one that I banked and went around
the table and then was able to follow it in. I finally won
that game -- boy I'm telling you, that was a tough game. And
then the very next game I left the cue ball in his pocket
and he kicked. He did have what looked like a dead ball, but
he didn't even hit that ball. He hit another ball that he
didn't even mean to hit and shit it in and ran eight and out
on me. I said, 'Oh my God!' Boy that was a heartbreaker there,
because he really lucked out -- he didn't hit the right ball
and still got away with it! Then it was my break and it was
3-3 -- and I know you've seen this -- the cue ball kissed
off of a ball that had gotten down to the foot rail and it
kind of double-kissed the cue ball into the pocket. He didn't
have a shot that was any good though, even though I scratched
on the break. So we dickered a couple of shots back and forth,
and then he tried to bank a ball cross corner, but I had fixed
it so I didn't think he could do it because of a kiss. Sure
enough it did kiss, and when it did that left me a little
opening where I could make a ball and break up the balls,
and that's how I got the nine and out. |

from Chalk Up! reporting results
the 1964 Johnston City 'All Round' |
So you trapped him on a bank that was a kiss.
Yeah, I never said it like that, but that's actually
what happened.
But that was the way you defended against the bank -- you left it
so it was a kiss.
Yeah, but all-in-all Lassiter turned out to be a very good One Pocket
Before Johnston City, where did you find the most One Pocket?
There was a lot of One Pocket played around Hot Springs, Arkansas.
There was a guy from Little Rock -- oh, what's his name [later
recalled as Vernon Brown]; hell I traveled with him quite
a bit to start with -- anyway, we told everybody everywhere
we went that there was going to be plenty of action in Hot
Springs on pool, and sure enough, quite a few came. We had
got this guy to put up a table upstairs. He had a poolroom,
but he had to close it at eleven o'clock. So he bought this
table -- a 4-1/2x9 -- and he cleaned up a room upstairs, and
put this table and some chairs up there and started charging
five dollars a night just to get up there to get in on the
action. The gambling was kind of closed down in Hot Springs
at that time so all of the gamblers were coming up there and
betting on the games. They charged $10 an hour for the table
and the winner paid for the pool. There were no games for
under a hundred; most of them were for two or three hundred
a game. There were a lot great players; people like Puckett
-- a bunch of guys I can't remember -- and all the games were
One Pocket. Cokes was there; Fats was there; Shriver was there.
And the next year, my gosh, there was probably 75 people --
players from all over the country. I'm talking about champions!
I almost thought of the name of another player -- it was the
name of a town in Oklahoma... |
there was a funny thing happened out there in Fort Worth.
Earl happened to be there when this came about. I had tried
to find UJ Puckett several times because I wanted to play
him, but I just missed him in several towns. Now I sneaked
in there in Fort Worth -- I walked in there -- and Puckett
comes over to me. I had never seen him in my life -- I'd heard
about him of course. He comes over to me and says, 'Well,
Taylor, there ain't no need of you stalling around, if you
want to play some 9-ball then get your stick.' Puckett wanted
to play me some 9-ball for fifty a game. I said okay, so we
started playing. I was going to try to sneak around a little,
but I couldn't do no sneaking because there was too many there
that knew me.
all up on this little alcove watching, and what happened was,
we had played three or four games or something like that,
and Puckett missed a 9-ball. And he had been bulldozing me.
So I said, 'Well, I didn't believe it, what everybody told
me; I really didn't believe it.' He said, 'What's that; what's
that?" I said, 'Well they told me you were the biggest dog
in the game.' Well everybody really cracked up laughing when
I said that, but I wound up beating Puckett out of nine hundred.
There was a restaurant next door and afterwards I took all
of them over for a steak, and Puckett sat down next to me
and says, 'Oh, I'm sorry Taylor, I didn't mean all that...'
So me and Puckett wound up being real good friends. |
Yeah, 'Eufaula' [Glen Womack]! He gave me a ball and I
beat him out of quite a bit of money. That came about because a
while earlier, back in Fort Worth, Texas, I had played Eufaula 9-ball
and beat him out of six hundred, so he wanted to play me One Pocket.
So I played him One Pocket and he beat me out of four hundred. So
then I got a ball off him in Hot Springs, and of course I did pretty

Hall of Fame members Jimmy Caras,
Jimmy Moore, 'Fats' and Eddie |
Eddie, I notice that so many players after you beat them --
even if you hustled them to beat them -- yet you end up becoming
real good friends with them.
Well I usually got along well with everybody after I did beat
them. Of course I didn't always win.
It seems like if you beat somebody out of pretty good money,
you often took them out to dinner afterwards.
I took Marcel Camp, and the fellow that was with him -- he
was from up your way, Chick Seaback -- I took them both over
to a friend of mine's house and we all got drunk. That's a
true story! That's what happened. |
Do you have any advice for players trying to improve their One
Pocket game?
I try to tell everybody, anytime you are banking
an object ball close to the cushion, you don't draw the ball. If
you draw the ball, you'll get a kiss. I remember showing this shot
to several of the guys in Tulsa when I was guest of honor there.
Cory Deuel was there and he said, 'That's impossible, Eddie, how
are you going to keep from kissing that ball?' So I said, 'You just
have to forget about that'. So I set it up and I shot it one-handed
and made it, and he said 'How in the hell do you not kiss that ball?'
So I showed him how, and finally he made it and said, 'I see why
they call you the greatest bank pool player.'
used to make that shot four out of five times. Now I can't make
it anymore but I get Buddy Hall to shoot it. I set it up and he
shoots it. He knows how 'cuz I showed him how to do it. Of course
he makes it every time, like I used to when I could see.
Was Buddy a player that you kind of taught?
Well, not really, but he was working for
Red Box when I moved down here. At that time Buddy Hall was
really playing terrific 9-ball, and he was always wanting
to have me practice with him, but I said, 'Buddy, I'm not
really much of a practicer.' But anyhow I did practice with
him a bit.
He turned into a heck of a One Pocket player,
Yeah, he said I helped him out quite a bit,
especially with his One Pocket. We were in Washington DC at
some kind of tournament and Buddy offered to play anybody
One Pocket -- I mean anybody -- as long as I would coach him.
He wasn't even considered a One Pocket player at that time,
but nobody would play him! |

Lassiter and Eddie Taylor |
So you helped him out with his Banks and his One
Yeah, he always tells everybody that. Actually Buddy is
a lot like Lassiter, that wasn't supposed to be a One Pocket player,
but Lassiter became a real good One Pocket player. He wasn't to
start with, but he got so he was a very good One Pocket player.
I had a hell of a time with him.
And like you weren't supposed to be a Straight Pool player...
Well, it's like Beenie [Bill 'Weenie Beenie' Staton] said,
'If Eddie had born in NYC there'd have been a lot of Straight Pool
players leaving.' Actually, when they finally invited me to the
World's tournament in NY -- I told my wife, 'They'll probably need
some towels to wipe up the blood.' Anyhow, Irving Crane was telling
me this story. I had won one match and lost five and Crane said
that he and Lassiter were talking to the promoter, and the promoter
said, 'Hey, I thought this Taylor was supposed to be a hell of a
player.' Crane told me that Lassiter spoke up and said, 'Don't worry
about Taylor; when the smoke clears, Taylor will be there.' I won
my last eight in a row, so I finished 9-5. I would have finished
third or forth -- I finished seventh -- but I didn't have any balls
in those five games that I lost.
Did you ever play Bugs?
The first time I played Bugs he came to Washington when I
was kind of hanging around the Guys and Dolls, but I was hardly
picking up a cue at that time. Beenie used to come over and
say, 'Come on, I'll play you Straight Pool a hundred points
for three hundred.' And I'd say, 'Well let me hit a ball or
two.' But he'd say, 'No, no, no if you hit one ball there's
no game.' So when Bugs came, we played four hundred dollars
a game. The first day we played about six hours and broke
about even, and I was really beat because I hadn't been playing.
So I said, 'We can play some more tomorrow; but I got to quit.'
The next day we started again and I beat him out of twenty-eight
hundred, and I'll never forget the last shot as long as I
live. It was a long shot and the ball was way down on the
other end of the table maybe three or four inches off the
end rail. I couldn't play safe so I just stood up and hit
it and it just flew in the hole, and that's when the backers
all quit.
time we played, I had gone to this place in Ohio where they
were having a bank pool tournament and I didn't get into it
because my eyesight was haywire at that time, but I was kind
of booking the games. Well I tried to play Bugs, but if you
had seen me you would have laughed because of the way I was
playing -- I just wasn't seeing right. He beat me one game
and I said, 'I got to quit.' |

'Weenie Beenie' Staton with Eddie |
You mentioned playing one handed; there was a guy from the Boston
area named Andrew St. Jean who was supposed to be a strong one-handed
I didn't know him, but you know who told me that
he was a tremendous one-handed player? Fats told me, and another
guy named Dayton Omstead -- and Dayton was a pretty damn good three-cushion
billiards player. He told me that he played St. Jean even up, and
he was running three and four and going five rails and whatever,
playing one handed. Of course he didn't play Banks because they
didn't play Banks in that part of the country. I never got to meet
him, but I'd have gone against him. At one time I don't think anybody
could have beat me playing one-handed One Pocket or one-handed Banks.
It sure does sound like you were a very strong one-handed
If you ever talk to Mike Massey, the trick-shot player -- he was
from a little town just outside Knoxville -- he used to come watch
me play. We used to play partners a lot and if you got eight by
yourself, you collected from everybody. I had to play one-handed,
and this was with the best players in Knoxville, and I usually won
-- I don't remember actually losing -- I won pretty regularly. Mike
says 'I remember seeing you bank those balls 6 or 7 at a time one-handed.'
time with Titanic Thompson -- I'm sure you've heard of him -- well
Ti was in town and he saw me playing a guy that was a bookmaker
playing for four hundred dollars a game, playing him 8-5 one pocket
and I was playing one-handed with no tip on my cue. Now what happened
was, I drew the ball about 6-7 inches with no tip, one-handed. So
he said 'They'll be no more of that', and he got a glass of water
and I had to dip the stick in the water each time before I shot,
but I still beat him out of four thousand. Well Titanic saw that
and said, 'That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my
first went to San Francisco in 1953 because a guy had told
me Jimmy Moore was in the World Tournament there, at the Downtown
Bowl. So when I got out there naturally I don't know where
I'm going and I'm on this one-way street, so I ask a guy at
a newsstand on the corner, 'Pardon me sir, but do you know
where the Downtown Bowl is?' He said, 'Yeah, I sure do. You
go up here about six blocks to Taylor...' And I'm thinking
does this guy know me or what? And then he said, 'You take
a left, and you'll see a pharmacy, Eddie & Taylor Pharmacy.'
And I'm thinking this guy is full of shit, he's just kidding
me, but I drove up there and took a left and sure enough I
see the sign Eddy & Taylor pharmacy. Just as you turn
to the right there was a motel called the Olympia Hotel. When
I checked into the hotel -- they used to put cards in the
drawer that you could send. Now on these cards it said Olympia
Hotel, corner of Eddy & Taylor -- E-d-d-y -- San Francisco.
I must have sent about 30-40 of them to people I knew!
second night I was there I played a guy from Chicago that owned
a bar on the main street, and they said he was a pretty good player.
I played him one-handed and beat him out of six thousand.
That was at One Pocket?
Yeah, my one-handed to his two. I beat him five
games ahead and when I was going over to pay the tab he asked 'How
much are you winner, Taylor?' And I said, 'Eight hundred,' because
I was thinking I was four games winner. So he said, 'I'll play you
one for eight.' And I said, 'Get it up.' We played for the eight
and I won and I said, 'I guess you want to play for the sixteen.'
And he said, 'F**k you, Taylor, I'll play you some for five.' So
I wound up beating him out of six thousand.
the same time these guys that were playing in the World's Tournament
-- there were twelve of them -- were playing for the top prize of
$2500. Mosconi won it and got $500 extra for high run.
So you made twice what they did, playing one-handed.
That's what I'm saying; I'm sure those guys that were watching this
had their mouths watering. It's such a shame that pool has always
been so cheap. For some reason -- they'll put pigeons, horseshoes
and anything in the world that you can think of in the paper, but
not billiards and pool. It's really pitiful, because pool is a hell
of a sport. I mean it takes some real finesse. Pool is not an easy
game. I won the Stardust, which was eight thousand and something,
and they had in the write up 'The largest prize of all time.' That
was 1967. It's not much better than that today. It's really pathetic.
I feel so sorry for those players.
I think I've done enough talking to last a while.
Well, thank you very much; it's been very nice talking to
you, Eddie.
Very nice talking to you, buddy, and give
my best to your wife Sue. |

with his late wife Violet |
here to read Part 2 of Eddie Taylor's interview
Fats, Mosconi, Frankie Boughton and others
otherwise noted, all photos courtesy Grady Mathews and Mary Bennet
-- all rights reserved.
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